
In the Barcolana Nuota 374 athletes compete in Trieste

The competition was on the nautical mile

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, OCT 6 - There were 374 participants in the Barcolana Nuota - Trofeo Luca Giustolisi, the competition organized today in Trieste by Barcolana in partnership with Triestina Nuoto Samer &Co Shipping. Among the guests of the tenth edition was Olympian Luca Dotto, testimonial of the initiative.
    Athletes from all over Italy, Slovenia and Austria competed on the nautical mile in front of the central piazza Unità. The race began with a choral dive from Scala Reale and the first strokes along the Audace pier. The course was designed with a long side to the Porto Vecchio dam, a turn and the return to the San Giusto dock, with the finish again at the height of the Scala Reale: first place overall is by Pasquale Sanzullo from Italy, first woman is the second overall, Giulia Salin from Italy. (ANSA).

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