
New cross-border Villa Opicina-Rijeka rail links to kick off

CEI, the 1st train between Italy and Croatia to run on April 24

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 17 APR - A new cross-border mobility rail service connecting Villa Opicina (Trieste) and Rijeka, Croatia, will kick off on April 24. The executive secretariat of the Central European Initiative announced and underlined that the service is being implemented under the Interreg Central Europe Sustance project in cooperation with the Slovenian and Croatian Railways.
    A statement explained that the service will be operated via a new Stadler train provided by the Slovenian railway company, "equipped with modern conveniences such as Wi-Fi system, space for bicycles and strollers." The daily route will be covered from Villa Opicina to Rijeka in about two hours, "offering a comfortable, sustainable and efficient alternative for passengers traveling between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia." According to the schedule, the train will depart from Villa Opicina at 7:50 a.m. The kick-off ceremony will continue in Rijeka at 10 a.m. with a second event celebrating the first train's arrival. CEI indicates that this new line "will improve connectivity between the regions involved and contribute to reducing emissions, promoting a more sustainable approach to mobility." (ANSA).

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