
Croatia in Shock Over Massacre at Nursing Home

Five Elderly Women Killed, Including the Killer's Mother

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 22 LUG - Croatia is in shock after today's massacre at a nursing home in the eastern part of the country, resulting in five deaths and seven injuries, four of which are in serious condition. The massacre occurred around 10 a.m. at a nursing home in Daruvar, a town in Slavonia, located 150 km east of the capital Zagreb. According to still-unconfirmed information from official sources, the victims were all women, including the killer's mother, an employee of the small private facility, and three other elderly women. The shooter was a 51-year-old man, Krešimir P., a veteran of the 1990s war and a retired military police officer.
    Before entering the nursing home, the man had a coffee at a nearby bar, as he did every day. However, this time, after offering a drink to those present, he left, stating he had "to take care of something." He then went to the building housing the facility and began shooting. A few minutes later, he was back at the same bar where he calmly waited for the authorities to whom he surrendered without resistance. The man was already known to the police for violent behavior, usually while intoxicated.
    The massacre has shaken Croatia, where such events are very rare. Condolences to the families and solidarity with the law enforcement, healthcare, and social services have been expressed by all the country's top institutional and political leaders.
    Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said he was "horrified" by the massacre, hoping that investigators would fully clarify all the circumstances of the shooting. In the afternoon, several ministers and the attorney general will visit Daruvar. (ANSA).

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