(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 21 SET - Serbian President Aleksandar
Vucic has said that Marshal Tito's grave will not be removed
from the 'House of Flowers' in Belgrade, the memorial part of
the Historical Museum of Yugoslavia on the Green Hill in
Dedinje. Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Sapic has been speaking about
the possible removal of Tito's grave in recent days.
"This will not happen. I have never been a big fan of
communists and the communist regime. Still, Josip Broz Tito is
part of our history; he lived here and is buried here, and he
will remain part of Serbian and Yugoslav history," Vucic said in
an interview with Politico. First to criticize the capital's
mayor's intention was Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar
Vulin, a controversial politician known for his heated
national-patriotic and pro-Russian stances. "Serbia is not
Ukraine or Lithuania destroying monuments to anti-fascists,
erasing everything that was there before the generation now in
government," Vulin had said. (ANSA).
Vucic, 'Tito's grave will not be removed'
President against intention announced by Belgrade mayor