
Macron to bring warning against far-right to eastern Germany

First state visit by French president in a quarter of a century

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - BERLIN, MAY 27 - France's President Emmanuel Macron on Monday visited the Holocaust memorial in Berlin, ahead of a trip to eastern Germany where he is expected to warn against the rise of the far right ahead of EU elections. Macron, who is undertaking the first state visit by a French president to Germany in a quarter of a century, made a plea for the defence of democracy against nationalist forces as he arrived on Sunday. He is expected to bring the same message to the eastern city of Dresden in Saxony state, a stronghold of the far-right AfD party. Macron's trip comes two weeks ahead of European Union elections in which polls are indicating a major potential embarrassment for the French leader, with his centrist coalition trailing behind the far right. It could even struggle to reach a third-place finish. In Germany too, all three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition are polling behind the far-right AfD in surveys, despite a series of scandals embroiling the anti-immigration party. On Monday morning, Macron and his wife Brigitte, along with the German presidential couple, paid a visit to the memorial in central Berlin that commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis.

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