
Chinese electric car giant set to arrive in Hungary

A Byd factory in Szeged. Orban, 'we are partner with Beijing'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BRUSSELS, 24 FEB - Whereas the EU has for months been deploying an anti-dumping strategy to curb China's economic dominance in several sectors, including zero-emission cars, Viktor Orban has announced the opening in Hungary of a factory of the Byd Company, among the world's leading manufacturers of electric and hybrid vehicles.
    "The future of the automotive industry is written in Hungary.
    The world's largest electric car manufacturer, Byd Company, is building its first European plant in Szeged," the Magyar premier announced on X.
    Orban met with top management of the Shenzhen-founded company in Budapest. "This multibillion-dollar investment promises technological change, creating thousands of jobs and benefiting local suppliers," he added. The parties pointed out that Hungary has been China's top investment destination in Central and Eastern Europe for years.
    Hungary has established a stable relationship with China based on mutual respect, which sets new records in economic and trade cooperation every year," Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs explained on social media. (ANSA).

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