
Dodik Praises Orban, 'Good Visits to Moscow and Kyiv'

'He is a true statesman, seeking dialogue and peace.'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 06 LUG - Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has defended Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's decision to visit Kyiv and Moscow in an attempt to initiate a negotiation process to end the ongoing, over two-year-long armed conflict in Ukraine.
    "Those who criticize Prime Minister Orban are merely showing their worst side, their desire to continue fighting and rearming, firmly entrenched in their 'war trenches,'" Dodik said, as quoted by Serbian media today.
    He added that these people "cannot be considered people of peace, nor can they initiate any negotiations to achieve peace, unlike the Hungarian Prime Minister." (ANSA).

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