
EU moves to withhold Hungary funds over unpaid asylum fine

Budapest failed to pay

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - BRUSSELS, SEP 18 - The EU said on Wednesday it was moving to withhold 200 million euros ($222 million) earmarked for Hungary, after Budapest failed to pay an equivalent fine for violating asylum rules. In June, the European Court of Justice slapped Hungary with the multi-million-euro fine and imposed an additional daily one-million-euro penalty for failing to comply with a 2020 ruling on upholding international procedures for asylum-seekers.
    The government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is frequently at loggerheads with Brussels, had made it clear it was not going to pay, describing the sanction as "unfair". A deadline to settle the penalty expired on Tuesday. "That means that the commission is in accordance to the applicable rules moving to what we call the offsetting procedure," European Commission spokesman Balazs Ujvari told journalists. (ANSA-AFP).

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