
Belgrade continues diplomatic offensive on Srebrenica and Kosovo

Dacic, 30/4 UN Security Council on Bosnia

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 28 APR - Serbia's diplomatic offensive continues on Srebrenica and Kosovo, two issues that Belgrade places at the center of its current international political action and considers vital to its national interests. Following the postponement of the vote on a resolution on the Srebrenica genocide scheduled to be held in the UN General Assembly on May 2, a postponement that came after an intense diplomatic initiative at the UN by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council dedicated to the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina will most likely be held on April 30 at Russia's request. And referring to the postponement of the vote on the resolution on Srebrenica, Dacic emphasized the success of the diplomatic action of Vucic, who over the course of five days in New York met with dozens of international representatives explaining Belgrade's contrary position, both on the substance of the issue and on procedural distortions and violations of UN regulations.
    For Belgrade, pinning the 'genocidal people' label on Serbia would certainly not contribute to pacification but would further sour inter-ethnic relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to the detriment of overall stability in the region with the real danger of new conflicts. Dacic, in an interview with private TV station Prva, said that even on Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe the games are not done, after last days' yes by the pan-European organization's Parliamentary Assembly. The final decision will come from the Council of Europe's Committee of Foreign Ministers, whose vote he said is scheduled for May 17. For Dacic, some important countries such as France and Italy have expressed reservations.
    "It's a very tough battle, and we'll see how things develop." (ANSA).

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