(ANSA) - ANCONA, 26 MAG - The Forum of Adriatic-Ionian Cities
(Faic) welcomes Kisela Voda, the first municipality in North
Macedonia to join Faic. Kisela Voda is located in the heart of
North Macedonia, a short distance from the capital Skopje,
reports a fact sheet in the Faic newsletter.
In the past two years, the municipal administration and Mayor
Orce Gjorgjievski have carried out a number of public works:
paving of roads, new sewage and water networks, energy-efficient
schools and kindergartens, with great emphasis on culture,
education, youth, and people with special needs from all ethnic
groups. International cooperation at the micro- and
macro-regional level is particularly important to the
municipality, the fact sheet says.
Commitment to peace, freedom, democracy, socioeconomic
prosperity, equitable and balanced development are "considered
basic principles." The municipality "intends to contribute to
the macro-regional development of the Adriatic-Ionian region,
respecting and following the historic commitment of the Forum to
create an equal path for all citizens and communities in the
area," the fact sheet concludes. (ANSA).
Macedonian municipality of Kisela Voda in Adriatic-Ionian Forum
First entity from northern Macedonia to join Faic