
Boc, innovation for all, we cannot leave anyone behind

'Innovation Valleys is an opportunity. We need to work together'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ANCONA, 24 FEB - "Innovation is key to getting better-paid jobs and improving the lives of our cities and communities. The green and digital transition is already happening, so we must take everything we can from innovation to bring our communities into the digital age." That is what Emil Boc, former prime minister of Romania and mayor of Cluj Napoca, said on the sidelines of a meeting of the European Committee of the Regions in Ancona, focusing on the issue of innovation in territories to push the green and digital transition across the European Union.
    Boc added, "We have to get the most out of every territory, every European region, because we cannot afford to leave anyone, any territory in Europe, behind." "The whole of Europe is moving on, he added, at "the right speed. The fundamental thing, though," he reiterated, "is to get the most out of each European region because there is no common situation for all territories in the EU. We need to understand where they start from, where they want to get to, and what their peculiarities are; only in this way can we reach a standard level of development." In essence, "we will have a strong Europe when every region of the EU can express its full potential." (ANSA).

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