
Kosovo:Meloni-Macron-Scholz to Vucic and Kurti,ok to EU plan

Letter on eve of expected meeting tomorrow between two leaders

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 26 FEB - On the eve of a new meeting tomorrow in Brussels between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz sent a joint letter to the two leaders urging them to take a responsible and constructive approach in the new EU-facilitated dialogue session, and urging them to accept the European plan for an agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Both Serbian and Kosovar media reported on the joint letter from the three European leaders to Vucic and Kurti. However, only the press in Pristina reported the content in part, while in Belgrade there was only a brief report of the letter received from the Serbian president. According to the Kosovo daily Koha ditore, which cites sources in Albin Kurti's government, Macron, Scholz and Meloni say they are convinced that the acceptance and implementation of the proposed European agreement is of fundamental importance for the general welfare of the citizens, for peace and prosperous development of the region, and for the advancement in the European perspective of Pristina and Belgrade. At the same time, the letter calls for the respect and implementation of the commitments made by the parties in the agreements already concluded in the dialogue, including the establishment of the Community of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo. At the center of tomorrow's meeting is the proposed agreement on Kosovo developed in recent months by France and Germany, and endorsed by the European Union. The Serbian side has made it known that it intends to forcefully reintroduce the issue of the Community of Serbian Municiplities, which Pristina, however, continues to reject. Tomorrow's much-anticipated meeting in Brussels will begin at 3 p.m. with separate meetings that EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell and European mediator Miroslav Lajcak will have with Vucic and Kurti, which will be followed by a collegial meeting between the three sides. A press point by Borrell is scheduled at the end. Tomorrow's meeting and prospects for resolving the complicated Kosovo issue were among the topics of telephone talks Vucic had today with Turkish President Redzep Tayyip Erdogan and Derek Chollet, special adviser to the U.S. State Department. (ANSA).

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