
Ratko Mladic's health condition has worsened again

Son, 'severe kidney problems, won't get out of bed'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, 11 MAG - The health condition of Ratko Mladic, the former military leader of the Bosnian Serbs held in the Hague Tribunal prison where he is serving a life sentence for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Bosnian War, has deteriorated further.
    As his son Darko said today, the general now has severe kidney problems due, according to him, to mistakes by local doctors in The Hague. The situation, he underlined, is that now his father cannot get out of bed due to extreme weakness, and, according to Darko Mladic, the problem is such that in The Hague, his father cannot receive all the care necessary for his possible recovery.
    Hague Tribunal judges, he said, rejected Ratko Mladic's request for a transfer to Serbia to be treated appropriately.
    "They rejected our request; only one judge said in favor, and all the others were against it. The explanation is that Mladic's condition is quite good and that there is no need for his transfer to Serbia," said the general's son, quoted by the media in Belgrade. In his view, doctors in The Hague misjudged his father's health problems by giving him too many diuretics, thereby causing severe kidney damage.
    Ratko Mladic, who is 82, was convicted of crimes committed in the 1992-1995 armed conflict in Bosnia, particularly the siege of Sarajevo and the genocide in Srebrenica. (ANSA).

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