
Blues Train with a custom livery for Go!2025 was presented today

Ziberna: "Trains will directly connect with Nova Gorica"

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GORIZIA, 03 LUG - The GO! 2025 regional train, the Blues, with a livery dedicated to Nova Gorica-Gorizia as the European Capital of Culture, was presented today at the Gorizia railway station.
    The project is a collaboration between Trenitalia and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. "I thank Trenitalia for keeping their promise to outfit one of their trains in a custom GO!2025 livery. It is undoubtedly a great achievement, not only because of Trenitalia's significance but also because of the millions of Italian and foreign passengers who will be curious about the reason behind this livery," said Gorizia Mayor Rodolfo Ziberna.
    "I also thank Trenitalia for the partnership they have ensured with GO!2025 through additional promotional measures that we will detail around a forthcoming Trenitalia-Fvg Region-Municipality table," he added. "It is worth noting that the train will be able to directly connect the Gorizia and Nova Gorica stations, something that hasn't happened in several decades." The presentation was also attended by Tomaž Horvat, Deputy Mayor of Nova Gorica; Luigi Corradi, CEO and General Manager of Trenitalia; Cristina Amirante, Fvg Regional Councilor for Mobility; and Gorizia Prefect Raffaele Ricciardi. Trenitalia informs us that three pairs of new hybrid trains will directly connect Mestre with Gorizia and Nova Gorica next year, and they will also stop at Trieste Airport. (ANSA).

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