
Europe celebrate economic and social achievements on Labor Day

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 01 MAG - Various rallies were organized across Europe by trade unions and workers to celebrate International Labor Day and the economic and social achievements of workers and fight for laborers rights.
    The Metal Workers' Union of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina held a May Day protest walk in Sarajevo. The workers gathered in front of the House of Trade Unions and walked to the building of the Government. In Warsaw, the May 1 demonstration was sponsored by the All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions and Left Together. Workers and trade unionist were together, carrying Macedonian flags and banners, during a march in Skopje.
    A general strike is under way in Greece; a demonstration was organized in Athens, with slogans in support of Palestine. For the past few years, instead of protesting, Croatian workers and trade unions have been celebrating Labor Day with walks and free servings of bean soups in Maksimir Park in Zagreb. (ANSA).

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