
Finest, investment portfolio rises to 98 million

Shareholders approve financial statements, €35,000 in prof

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 30 APR - The shareholder meeting of Finest Spa today approved the financial statements for the year 2023 of the financial company for the internationalization of Triveneto businesses.
    The figures show a positive result, with a profit of 38,000 euros, new investments amounting to 10 million on six foreign operations, and another eight investments approved during the year, totaling 18 million. As of December 31, the finance company had a net portfolio of 98.04 million in outstanding investments, benefiting more than 60 member companies.
    "We close this fiscal year with a substantial break-even, ensuring a profit, albeit a small one, and numbers that position the company in a safe zone despite external turbulence," said finance chairman Alessandro Minon.
    "Certainly, we have been operating in a very complex macroeconomic and geopolitical context - he added - where the world economy is showing signs of a slowdown, and with it, trade and foreign direct investment are slowing down, too." In this fiscal year, the most significant investments involved the Balkans, especially Serbia, which proved to be a consistent and stable territory of attraction over time. Then come France (21%), Hungary (13%) and Poland (6%). Among the most internationalized sectors with the Finest support are the plastics and mechanical/electromechanical industry (11%), construction, wood/furniture and agribusiness (10%), metallurgy (9%), utilities, and textiles/clothing (6%). Through the flywheel effect related to Finest's minority intervention, the total amount invested in internationalizing member companies exceeded 2.3 billion euros. (ANSA).

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