
Bavaria critical of nighttime ban for trucks at the Brenner

Tt of Innsbruck: partial closure of the Lueg bridge raises alarm

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BOLZANO, 06 LUG - Starting January 1, 2025, work will begin to renovate the Lueg Bridge on the Brenner Motorway A13 in Tyrol. From that moment, local authorities will limit traffic on that motorway section to a single lane in both directions until the end of 2027. "This is alarming transporters all over Europe," reports Innsbruck's Tiroler Tageszeitung (Tt).
    The nighttime traffic ban is now facing a united front of opposition from Bavaria and Italy. The Tt reports that the ban is under increasing pressure, as Bavarian transporters, in collaboration with their Italian counterparts, are now openly challenging this restriction.
    Meanwhile, the motorway operator Asfinag is set to announce the measures it plans to implement by September to alleviate the expected traffic congestion due to the Lueg Bridge's partial closure. These measures may include additional truck restrictions, load limits, and a quota for heavy vehicles per hour. (ANSA).

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