(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 05 DIC - The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
is seeking guarantees regarding traffic flow as construction is
set to begin on Slovenia's H4 highway, stretching between
Razdrto and Vertoiba. This highway connects to the A34 via the
Sant'Andrea border crossing in Gorizia.
A meeting was held today at the Prefecture in Trieste,
attended by local municipalities, the Gorizia and Fernetti
intermodal hubs, law enforcement agencies, Autostrade Alto
Adriatico, ANAS, FVG Strade, and representatives from the
transport and logistics sectors.
"The traffic that will be rerouted away from Villesse will
have significant consequences for Gorizia, especially with the
upcoming events for GO!2025 European Capital of Culture.
Additionally, the logistics system tied to SDAG will be
significantly impacted. We anticipate a 20% to 30% increase in
heavy traffic on the highway near the Lisert toll booth, with an
estimated 4,400 heavy vehicles daily passing through the
Fernetti crossing into Italy," Cristina Amirante, the regional
councilor for Infrastructure and Territory, stated.
Amirante explained that the working group has identified
several alternative proposals that the Region will present to
the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT). The goal is
to initiate discussions with Slovenia's Ministry to find the
most suitable solutions to mitigate the impact on the roadways
of Friuli Venezia Giulia. (ANSA).
Work along Slovenia's H4 Highway: FVG wants traffic guarantees
Proposals to the Ministry for dialogue with neighboring country