
Interregional union, Croatia and Italy depopulate

Italian-Croatian trade union council seminar in Trieste

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 01 DIC - In Italy and Croatia the population is drastically decreasing and tools are needed to change the course. This, in a nutshell, was the message that emerged from the seminar organized today in Trieste by the Italian-Croatian Upper Adriatic Interregional Trade Union Council, which was also attended by Regional Councillor for Labor, Education and Family Alessia Rosolen. Michele Berti, president of the union council, explains that "the goal of the day is to learn more about demographic dynamics and try to understand strategies to reverse the trend, taking into account the aspects on which we can insist. And put pressure on governments.I'm talking about measures such as higher wages, better tax and welfare policies and vocational training, as well as a more effective system for managing third-country residence admissions." Berti hopes "that there will be a listening from the two governments. The phenomenon of population decline in Italy and Croatia are similar, but it is more worrying on the Croatian side. Especially because of the flight of so many young people abroad." The councilor confirmed that "the data certainly show us a decrease in population in Friuli Venezia Giulia as well, constant since the 1960s, along with an increase in aging.
    But the region has and will put in place actions on various fronts, in favor of families, young people and the world of work." Mentioned, among the various actions, the increase in funding for the crèche network abatement, which increased from 7 million euros in 2023 to 7.6 planned in 2024 or as the family dote that next year will increase from 23.8 to 24 million, And also other measures for young people, such as the school dote, which will increase from 2.3 to 3 million, or scholarships for university students, which in 2023 saw 23.5 million euros disbursed. (ANSA).

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