
The future of languages and translation at Unicollege Turin

Scholars from Poland, Germany, and Turkey in conference

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TURIN, 01 DIC - Unicollege, a private accredited university in Italy providing international programs and curricula, will hold the Unicollege Global Annual Conference, an event gathering scholars from prestigious international institutions - from Australia, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, as well as Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey - that will discuss the role of human translation in the era of digitalization.
    The blended conference will be held both in a morning (10:00-13:00) and in an evening session (14:00-17:00) on december 1st and will feature the participation of city administration representative, Lorenza Patriarca, as well as Italy's major Association for Interpreters and Translators.
    "While being celebrated and highly regarded, the world of applied languages is at risk," states Dean of Academic Affairs at Unicollege Giosuè Prezioso. "In the European Commission," he explains "one of the world's most polyglot institutions (24 languages), the number of translators dropped from 2,450 professionals in 2013 to 2,000 in 2023; conversely, investments in automation and digitalization increased. This is a sign. A trend. An issue." Such a phenomenon triggered professional concerns within the industry, generating lively debates like the ones at Unicollege - among the leading conferences on the topic in the country and internationally. (ANSA).

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