
Universities of Trieste and Koper together for T4EU

Hosted by 200 students and faculty from across Europe

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 20 MAG - Kicking off this morning at the University of Trieste's headquarters is "Beyond Borders," the first joint T4EU week, organized by the University of Trieste and the University of Primorska in Koper: a week of study, meeting and discussion that has among its protagonists 200 students and faculty, from the ten universities of the Transform4Europe European Alliance (T4EU), as guests of the two universities. Alberto Pallavicini, Rector's delegate for Transform4Europe, explains that "it is a university alliance, a process of transformation of European higher education to try to strengthen the presence and activities of universities. With this initiative, macro aggregates are created at the transnational level with all the benefits that come with it.
    There is the concept of being European while still maintaining the plurality and diversity that exists." As for today, "it started with the presentation of the project and then the students will study together. Students and faculty have arrived from all over Europe, and this week, where there will also be fun, they will earn credits, do lectures and other activities, during what is the alliance's first Transform4Europe jointly organized by two universities. I strongly wanted," he adds, "the entry of the University of the Coast, because at the local level we are experimenting with what Europe wants to do at the continental level. (ANSA).

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