
Slovenia: Gen Energija considers bigger units for Krsko 2

Up to 2,400 MW or even two reactors to build

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BELGRADE, SEP 22 - Slovenian state-owned company Gen Energija, which is planning to invest in a second reactor at the Krsko nuclear power plant, wants to double the future capacity of Krsko 2 from the originally planned 1,100 MW and is even considering building two new units, according to Slovenian news agency STA, citing Gen Energija chairman Dejan Paravan.
    According to Paravan, Gen Energija "pragmatically decided to broaden the scope of possible variants and pave the way for stronger units, up to 2,400 MW or, given that this is possible on the selected site in Vrbina near Krko, or even to decide for two units." Legislative changes no longer limit capacity to 1,100 MW, electricity demand is increasing, neighbouring countries' interest in becoming co-investors has increased, and larger capacity broadens the possible range of suppliers, said Paravan.

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