
Two out of three Slovenes are in favor of nuclear power

Agrusti (Confindustria): 'Choice to be exploited by Italy, too'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GORIZIA, 15 NOV - In 2023, more than 65 percent of Slovenian citizens are in favor of nuclear power, the investments needed to build the second large reactor at the Krško power plant, and to initiate in the meantime studies for the subsequent realization of the so-called Small modular reactors, which are less powerful but less costly and faster to build. This is what emerged this morning during a conference in Gorica organized by Confindustria Alto Adriatico and Slovenian Regional Economic Union SDZG-URES.
    This policy is appreciated by Michelangelo Agrusti, president of Confindustria Alto Adriatico, who believes that "the nuclear power we have today is extraordinarily safe; there is no need to wait for the 27th generation to feel safe. In Italy, however - he added - we are still struggling to reverse a hostile sentiment; we live in the only c world that promoted two referendums in the aftermath of disasters that did not concern us, chasing a feeling of fear. And we are way behind schedule." Agrusti added that implementing Krško, which even in FVG has created fears, is wise. "I proposed to the region to establish an interlocution with Slovenia to see if some kind of co-partnership was possible in the expansion; in a logic of partnership, of operational proximity," he concluded, "it would have been an operation from which we could have all benefited.
    Now, associations of the Confindustrial system, such as Federacciai (Steel Industry Federation), have taken action beyond the border to have energy at a lower cost. These are the real collaborations that should be activated." (ANSA).

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