
Go!2025: collaboration with 'Nei Suoni dei Luoghi' festival

Eight concerts on the Italian-Slovenian border

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GORIZIA, 13 LUG - As part of the Nei Suoni dei Luoghi festival, now in its 25th edition, among the particularly important events are the eight concerts focusing on the approach to Go! 2025 Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025.
    To develop this cross-border approach, a collaboration has been activated with the Kulturni dom of Nova Gorica and other partners, with whom some places along the Italian-Slovenian border have been identified where the young Italian and Slovenian artists will meet together for the first time to create musical ensembles that will perform on the 8-event cycle.
    The musical tour will begin on July 18 in Gorizia with the Slovenian ensemble Ljubljana Saxophone Quartet, accompanied by the voice of the Italian soprano Sara Della Mora. The program will run until September 14. (ANSA).

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