
Greece, new Syriza leader to be elected Sept. 10

Party members will choose among four candidates

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ATHENS, 17 LUG - Syriza party members will elect the new leader of Greece's main leftist party on Sept. 10, choosing among four candidates; if necessary, a second round will occur on Sept. 16.
    The date was announced following the party's Central Committee meeting in Athens over the weekend. The internal elections were called after Alexis Tsipras resigned from his leadership of Syriza following the June 25 election defeat.
    Next Sept. 3, the party's Congress will meet to discuss the technical details of the elections; all party members, some 170,000 people, are eligible to vote. The four candidates are former Labor Minister during Tsipras' government Efi Achtsioglou, former Finance Minister Euclidis Tsakalotos, longtime politician and former Pasok member Stefanos Tzoumakas, and former Digital Policy Minister Nikos Pappas. Achtsioglou is considered the favorite to win. (ANSA).

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