
Poll, Progressive Slovakia catches up with Fico's party

Two weeks ahead of the early election

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - BRATISLAVA, SEP 18 - In Slovakia, the front runner in the September 30 early election is still the populist Smer-Socialdemocracy party led by former Prime Minister Robert Fico. Still, the center-left extra-parliamentary movement Progressive Slovakia, led by Michal Simecka, is catching up with it (PS). This was revealed in the latest poll by the Ako agency for Joj television. Fico's party would get 19.4% of the votes, and Simecka's movement 18.2%. In third place would be the Hlas (Voice-Social Democracy) party of another former prime minister, Petr Pellegrini, with 15.1%. Richard Sulík's Freedom and Solidarity (SAS) party (7.4%) and the Common People and Independent Personalities (Olano) movement of former premier Igor Matovic (7%) would also enter the Bratislava Parliament.
    Olano is in a coalition with the parties For the People and Christian Union and thus must get at least 7% to enter parliament. The other parties only need to pass the 5% threshold. (ANSA).

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