
PM Plenkovic's conservatives at 33.7 percent in Croatia

The social democrats close to 27.8% in the European elections

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGREB, JUN 9 - According to early exit polls released by Croatian TV stations, in the European elections the conservatives (part of the EPP group) of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković have a clear lead, with 33.7 percent and six of the 12 available seats.
    The Social Democrats Sdp (Pse group) are in the second place with 27.8 percent and four seats. The remaining two seats are equally divided between the sovereignist right (Patriotic Movement) with 8.7 percent and the Greens who with 5.9 percent are expected to pass the five percent national bar.
    Turnout on Election Day was very low and at 4:30 p.m. was only 15.5 percent. (ANSA).

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