
Focus in Trieste on exportable care models for the Balkans

Two-day workshop at CEI headquarters with WHO

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 28 NOV - "We need to build joint pathways in such an important and priority area as the Western Balkans, pathways of health systems reform with a view related less to hospital care and more to territorial care." This is how Gian Matteo Apuzzo, a member of the WHO European Center for Primary Health Care, explained the goal of the workshop underway at the headquarters of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Trieste, focusing on the transfer of knowledge on primary care models in the Western Balkans, concerning the organization of services and health personnel.
    "This meeting is promoted by CEI and the WHO Europe primary care office - Apuzzo recalled - together, we are building a model of care that is even closer to the citizens, that can respond to the needs of the territories, with shared principles, but with an application very centered on the peculiar needs of each region. Some good practices will be acquired from the Italian health care system, taking into account - Apuzzo underlined - that the territorial system in Italy, particularly in some regions, such as Friuli Venezia Giulia, is undoubtedly a good example." "A response has also to be given to chronic diseases - he added - because we have solid expertise in responding to the aging population in Italy. Another aspect concerns mental health: the Balkans can consider our systems and services as good practice, and this area is already doing that." During the meeting, experts will work "on one of the main tools of WHO Europe, the so-called roadmap for the Western Balkans until 2025 - Apuzzo said - we are about halfway there.
    This event, just like others we are organizing, aims to build the last part of a joint pathway, leading to strengthening assistance first. We will gather input from this meeting to plan the next two-year roadmap." "We are happy to host this three day event in Trieste, dedicated to primary health care in the Western Balkans, which is a result of the consolidated collaboration between WHO Regional Office for Europe and the CEI - said Nina Kodelja, CEI deputy secretary. "The partnership between CEI and WHO is growing stronger, starting from the setting up of a joint task force, which was composed of key health officials, in response to Covid 19 emergency, to specific joint activities such as this meeting in Trieste, co-organised by the two organisations", she added.
    More than 30 participants from the whole Western Balkans region, WHO representatives, specialists etc. will exchange best practices and discuss common problems in the sphere of primary health care, and we hope they can identify common approaches and policy recommendations for the future. This event is relevant both for the implementation of the general mission of the CEI, namely the European integration process, as also for the implementation of the WHO Roadmap for the Health and Well-being in the Western Balkans, which is also intended to narrow the gap between EU and the Western Balkans in the area of health policies, and which was endorsed at the margins of the CEI summit in 2021. (ANSA).

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