
Summer: traffic jams, few problems on AutostradeAA, transits +2%

Very heavy traffic for Saturday black marker

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 12 AGO - Queues up to 3 kilometers long but little inconvenience at various points of the Upper Adriatic Motorways network, gateway in and out for tourists heading to or returning to Croatia and Slovenia. It's the black dot Saturday as expected, registering overall plus two percent transits, meaning that compared to the same Saturday last year, when 190 thousand vehicles transited, today's day is expected to end with about 200 thousand vehicles transited.
    A large number of tourists from Germany and Austria chose the A23 to reach the seaside resorts of Lower Friuli or, for those heading across the border, to then continue on the A4, passing through Trieste. It is here, at the capital's toll gate, Lisert, that there is the nodal point of the entire network. And it is here that there is a three-kilometer queue both inbound and outbound (these are tourists returning from Croatia). So many are also Italian tourists, coming in. The queue at Lisert triggered the recommended exit protocol at Villesse, where, therefore, another queue formed, also three kilometers long.
    A queue formed at times between Meolo and Portogruaro on the A4 and at the San Donà exit apron: these are those heading to Jesolo and other seaside resorts. Queues are registered at the entrance to Latisana: these are those returning from Lignano.
    The intensity of transits is 3,000/hour in the East Venice area and 3,000/hour in the San Giorgio and Palmanova area, both in the direction of Trieste and in the direction of Tarvisio: many are in fact those returning to Austria, many those heading to the mountains (Tarvisio) and many more those going to seaside resorts. On the A23 where, as mentioned, German-speaking tourists from the North travel, 2,300/hour transits are recorded between Udine Sud and Palmanova. (ANSA).

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