
Trieste bronze medal to the Carinthian branch of the ORF

For the program 'Servus, Srecno, Ciao' on FVG and Slovenia.

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - UDINE, 20 SET - Trieste Mayor Roberto Dipiazza awarded the bronze medal of the City of Trieste to the Carinthian regional office of ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk) for the TV show 'Servus, Srečno, Ciao' and an award to journalist Iris Hofmeister-Bulgarelli, head of the program, for various news reports dedicated to the city.
    "The name of the broadcast stands not only for the informal greetings in German, Slovenian, and Italian but also and above all for the friendship that fully represents the deep bond that unites the inhabitants of the Alps-Adriatic cross-border region," the director of the Carinthian branch of ORF, Karin Bernhard, said.
    'Servus, Srecno, Ciao' has been airing for 21 years, every Saturday evening at the end of the regional news program 'Kärnten heute' on Orf 2, exploring the neighboring regions, namely Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia, featuring culture, traditions, leisure opportunities, places to visit, and food and wine specialties.
    The program's first episode took place in Trieste, at Caffè Tommaseo, followed by more than 80 events dedicated to the FVG capital city over the years. Topics covered included the Sacher Café, James Joyce, the Barcolana and the Bora, In City Golf, San Giovanni Park, Veit Heinichen, the Caffé Fair and Olio capitale, Pedocin, and the Carnival of Servola. (ANSA).

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