
Furio Benussi's Arca wins Barcolana number 55

Edition marked by very little wind

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 08 OTT - Arca of Trieste-based sailor Furio Benussi, leader of the Fast and Furio Sailing Team, won Barcolana number 55, in one hour 49'55", the world's largest regatta that this morning put on a show in the Gulf of Trieste with 1,773 sails at the start. The day was characterized by very little wind, so much so that the competition closed at the first of the three buoys initially scheduled. At the helm of Arca on the finish line was 16-year-old Marta, daughter of Furio Benussi. In second place finished the race Prosecco doc Shockwave3. On board was Minister Lollobrigida. With a gap of 7 seconds came, in third place, Way of life, overtaken by Prosecco a few meters from the finish line (the first buoy). (ANSA).

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