
Polish truckers block Ukraine border points in protest

Against unfair competition from the neighbouring country

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA-AFP) - DOROHUSK, NOV 6 - Several dozen owners of transport companies on Monday blocked three major Polish border crossings with Ukraine in protest at what they say is unfair competition from the neighbouring country's businesses. Trucks lined up at the border checkpoint in Dorohusk, with almost all cargo traffic blocked by protesters who blamed the liberalisation of European Union rules for the slump in their revenues. "We want the rules of fair competition to be restored," Rafal Mekler, a co-organiser of the protest, told AFP in Dorohusk. Following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the EU waived a system of permits for Ukrainian transport companies to enter the bloc. According to Polish companies, the move triggered an influx of Ukrainian competitors into the sector, plunging their profits. (ANSA-AFP).

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