
A4, Alpini assembly and Sfera concert to cause heavy traffic

The first event is in Bibione, and the second is in Lignano

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIESTE, 14 GIU - The Triveneto Alpine soldiers' assembly in Bibione and the Sfera Ebbasta concert in Lignano Sabbiadoro will bring thousands of tourists to the Veneto and Friuli coastline this weekend.
    From today, traffic will be heavy ("yellow sticker") all day long along the A4 in the direction of Trieste, with possible queues exiting at the Lisert barrier in the afternoon and exiting and entering at the Latisana junction in the evening for the concert of Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier in Lignano.
    For tomorrow, the day of Sfera Ebbasta's concert, the greatest criticalities could occur on the Mestre Bypass in the direction of Trieste ("red sticker" during the morning), while traffic will be hefty for the entire day in both directions (yellow sticker) on the A4 with queues near the main junctions toward the seaside, particularly at the Lisert barrier in the afternoon and near the Latisana junction (until late afternoon/evening).
    On Sunday, the day of the Alpine troops' gathering, there is still a yellow sticker on the A4 in both directions and on the A28, especially when exiting Portogruaro.
    Due to works by Fvg Strade on the Sistiana flyover, from 8 p.m. tomorrow to 6 a.m. Sunday, the freeway junction 13 will be closed in the direction of Venice, in the section between Prosecco and Duino, and in the direction of Trieste at the Sistiana interchange.
    Therefore, for those driving toward Venice, the mandatory exit will be at the Prosecco junction, with detours to return to Lisert. To Trieste, the required exit will be at the Sistiana junction, with the possibility of re-entry at Sistiana after the overpass of Nuova Strada Anas 56. (ANSA).

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