
Una vista della chiesa di Santoalla in Spagna

Una vista della chiesa di Santoalla in Spagna

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 31 DIC - epaselect epa10383659 View of the church of the remote hamlet of Santoalla, near the town of Petin, in Ourense, Spain, 29 December 2022 (issued 31 December 2022). Spanish movie 'The Beasts' (As Bestas), directed by Rodrigo Sorogoyen, is inspired on Margo Pool, 69, and her late husband Martin Verfondern, who was murdered by a local in 2010, 13 years after the Dutch couple arrived in Santoalla looking for a change of life. The murder happened due to a dispute for communal lands with the only other family residing in the hamlet. Margo, who is now the only resident of the small village, devotes her time to take care of her goats, dogs, cats and a horse. EPA/Brais Lorenzo Brais Lorenzo/ (ANSA).

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