
Inseminazione al santuario dei rinoceronti di Pretoria

Inseminazione al santuario dei rinoceronti di Pretoria

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 13 NOV - epaselect epa11717701 Members of the Rhino Repro team check the vital statistics of five-year-old rhino Mia after she was darted and tranquilized during an OPU (Ovary pick-up procedure) at a rhino sanctuary near Pretoria, South Africa, 12 November 2024 (issued 13 November 2024). The procedure collects eggs from the female rhino for in vitro fertilization with the aim to get embryos produced. Rhino Repro uses assessed reproductive techniques so as to improve the reproductive rate of critically endangered wildlife species including rhino. The aim with OPU (Ovary pick-up procedure) is to help grow the rhino population as rhino poaching in South Africa and on the African continent continues notwithstanding the efforts to stop the illegal trade in rhino horn. EPA/KIM LUDBROOK (ANSA).

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