
Funerali di un poliziotto ucciso nell'attentato di Peshawar

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 02 FEB - epa10444080 Pakistani security officials attend a funeral ceremonyl of police official Zeeshan Akbar, who was killed in a suicide bomb blast at a Mosque in Police Lines, in Peshawar, Pakistan, 02 February 2023. The Pakistani government is evaluating the possibility of launching a large-scale operation against the local Taliban offshoot in response to the brutal bombing at a mosque in Peshawar on 30 January, which killed at least 84 people, most of them police officers, as part of a steady deteriorating security landscape in the country with terrorism on the rise. Defense Minister Khawaja Asif had urged all parties in the National Assembly to unite against terrorism and launch an operation against the Taliban similar to a 2014 offensive. EPA/ARSHAD ARBAB ARSHAD ARBAB/ (ANSA).

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