
Emmanuel Macron e Olaf Scholz a Meseberg, in Germania

Emmanuel Macron e Olaf Scholz a Meseberg, in Germania

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 28 MAG - epa11375791 French President Emmanuel Macron (L) and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz talk in the garden park pavilion at Meseberg Palace in Meseberg near Gransee, Germany, 28 May 2024. French President Emmanuel Macron visits Germany from 26 to 28 May. After appointments with Federal President Steinmeier in German regions Berlin, Dresden and Muenster, Macron meets German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at Meseberg Palace on 28 May 2024 for a Franco-German Council of Ministers. EPA/CLEMENS BILAN / POOL (ANSA).

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