
Bloccati arrivi a Capri, code e disagi nei porti di partenza

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 22 GIU - Folla di turisti al Molo Beverello di Napoli dove, per la decisione del sindaco di Capri dovuta alla mancanza d'acqua, e' stata sospesa per i non residenti la vendita dei biglietti degli aliscafi, 22 giugno 2024. /// Crowd of tourists at the Beverello Pier in Naples, Italy, where, due to the decision of the mayor of Capri due to the lack of water, the sale of hydrofoil tickets for non-residents was suspended, 22 June 2024. From this morning only residents can disembark on the island of Capri, but not tourists. This was established by an urgent ordinance issued by the mayor Paolo Falco, due to the failure of the water pipe that supplies the island. ANSA/ CIRO FUSCO CIRO FUSCO/ (ANSA).

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