Percorso:ANSA > Nuova Europa > Poland > Poles in Italy, more than 100,000, employed and integrated

Poles in Italy, more than 100,000, employed and integrated

Idos survey, the community grows. Women's employment, big rise

09 March, 21:18
(ANSA) - ROME - About 100,000 Polish citizens live in Italy, 120,000 including those who have a Polish origin. They live mostly in central and southern regions, especially in Lazio (21,834), followed by Emilia Romagna (11,542), Campania (9,706), Toscana (8,883) and Lombardy (8,193).

Being more and more qualified and well educated, their employment rate is higher than those for Italians and other immigrants. These data come from the study conducted by Idos Research Centre, ''The Poles in Italy'', on behalf of the Embassy of Poland in Italy, and presented today in Rome. The survey features a changing community, which is constantly increasing, more and more integrated and appreciated by the host country, said the Polish ambassador, Tomasz Orlowski. According to UN figures for 2015, Poles living outside the national borders are 4,449,789. In Italy, Idos continues, the Poles are 97,986 (Istat 2015), out of which 73.3% are women.

Between the 2001 and 2004 census, the number of Polish residents has doubled (from 25,346 to 50,794).

Another interesting element is the employment rate of Polish immigrants in Italy, increased to 61.2%. A rate, the survey emphasizes, ''higher than the average rate for immigrants (58.5%) and Italians (55.4%)''.

Above all, the employment rate for women is outstanding, 57.5%, against 50.2% for the total of foreign women and 46.4% for Italian women The case of the Poles, the scholars say, ''has proved to be on of the most successful experiences of integration in our country''. However, they warn, the survey shows ''there is still a need for to develop a proactive policy aimed at promoting greater inclusion and participation of Polish citizens in Italy ''. (ANSA).

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