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Serbia: Vucic, Albanian southern communities,'irresponsible'

After the creation of Serbian communities association in Kosovo

11 September, 15:31
(ANSA) - BELGRADE - Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic called it ''irresponsible'' to announce the creation of an Association of Albanian Municipalities in Serbia, in response to the Association of Serbian communities in Kosovo, recently agreed in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

This controversial announcement was made yesterday in Presevo, the main town in a region predominantly inhabited by Albanian population in southern Serbia, bordering Kosovo and Macedonia.

The founding session of this new Albanian entity in Serbia should take place tomorrow in Presevo. ''Serbia wishes to respond wisely and calmly to this initiative, without making hasty decisions, though showing in due time its firmness and determination'', Vucic said, speaking on the Serbian public television RTS. (ANSA).

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