A constellation of tormented, romantic, passionate, adventurous, sad and melancholic films won awards from a jury of 3,600 children at the lively 2015 edition of the Giffoni Film Festival under the theme Carpe Diem (seize the day).
Spanish screen idol and model Rocío Muoz Morales was the
face of the festival supported on stage by actors Riccardo Rossi
and Sergio Assise.
The following were the official award winners announced
Feature films+6: Best film was the Italian "Grotto"
directed by Micol Pallucca, 2nd place was "The Amazing Wiplala"
by Dutch director Tim Ollehoek.
Winner of the +10 section was the Belgian "Labyrinthus" by
Douglas Boswell, 2nd place was the Danish "The Shamer's
Daughter" by Kenneth Kains.
In the +13 section the German film "Sanctuary" by Marc
Brummond, 2nd place "Beatles" by Norwegian Peter Flinth;
The +16 winner was the American "All the Wilderness" by
Michael Johnson, 2nd "Standing Tall" by the French Emmanuelle
The +18 winner was "Coin Locker Girl" by Han Jun-Hee
followed by "Gabriel" by American director Lou Howe.
The Gex Doc section winner was the Italian "Forever stars"
by Mimmo Verdesca, 2nd the Canadian "All the time in the world"
by Suzanne Crocker.
In the short film section reserved for children over 3the
winner was the French "Captain Fish" by John Banana, the Czech
"The wish fish" by Karel Janak won the +6 section followed in
2nd place by the German "The present" by Jacob Frey.
The +10 section was won by the American "The red hunter" by
Alvaro Ron, 2nd was the Italian "Two left feet" by Isabella
Among special prizes in the +3 section the Italian "The
Mods" by Alessandro Portincasa and Antonio Padovan won the
"Giotto super Be' Be'", in the +13 the Korean "Thread of lies"
by Lee Han took the prize by the young Cinecircoli clubs.
In the +16 section the French "Young Tiger" by Cyprien Vial
won the Don Bosco Educational Award while the English "The
falling" by Carol Morley won the British Film Institute
Certificate, and in the +18 section the French "Beach flags" and
"Fatima" won the Amnesty International Award.
In the Gex Doc section, the Canadian "All the time in the
world" won the aluminium Grifone and the Cial Prize for the
The artistic Directors of the Giffoni Experience conferred
the Bambino Gesù children's hospital prize on the French-Belgian
Birds of Passage by Olivier Ringer in competition in the
Elements +10 section.
The prize was assigned to the film for "having recounted
with sensitivity, truth and delicacy the world of children,
their dreams and their aspirations; for having re-lit in the
eyes of adults the ancient and vibrant flame of infantile
Massimiliano Raponi, the health director of the Bambino
Gesù hospital in Rome, attended the Giffoni prize-giving