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Animal rights activists protest against lion-killer vet

Animal rights activists protest against lion-killer vet

Luciano Ponzetto says hunting compatible with being a vet

Turin, 05 November 2015, 15:31

ANSA Editorial


Luciano Ponzetto, a veterinarian, poses the carcass of the lion he killed on safari - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Luciano Ponzetto, a veterinarian, poses the carcass of the lion he killed on safari -     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Luciano Ponzetto, a veterinarian, poses the carcass of the lion he killed on safari - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The Animal Rights Front protested overnight at the clinic of veterinarian and big game hunter Luciano Ponzetto, sources said Thursday.
    The vet came under social media fire on Wednesday after someone recognized a photo of him posing with a lion he killed on a safari in Tanzania, and circulated it on Facebook.
    The animal rights activists posted three signs at Ponzetto's place of business in the town of Caluso in Turin province. They said: "Paid to save lives, he gets off on killing", "Savior or executioner? Shame on you" and "A veterinarian? Shame. Coward. We'll be seeing each other soon".
    Ponzetto yesterday threatened lawsuits against Facebook commentators and media who picked up the story.
    "Being a veterinarian is not incompatible with hunting, either morally or professionally," he said in a communique.
    The Veterinarians Guild agreed.
    "(Hunting) is a hobby regulated by law, which does not allow us to take measures against him," the professional body said in a statement.


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