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Nobel-winning 'jester' Dario Fo dead at 90

Nobel-winning 'jester' Dario Fo dead at 90

'You'll always be with us' says M5S leader Grillo's blog, Renzi hails culture protagonist

Rome, 14 October 2016, 10:56

ANSA Editorial




Italian Nobel-prize-winning playwright Dario Fo has died at the age of 90, ANSA sources said on Thursday. Fo, who turned 90 in March, died in Milan's Sacco hospital. He was admitted to hospital a few days ago due to lung problems, sources said. Notable works of the 1997 winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature include Accidental Death of an Anarchist and Can't Pay? Won't Pay! He made fun of religion and Italy's political life and was a supporter of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement.
    The blog of M5S leader Beppe Grillo mourned him. "Today Dario Fo passed away," read Grillo's blog. remember him with his address on the stage at (Milan's) Piazza Duomo on February 19, when he said with his powerful voice 'You do it!'. You will always be with us". The blog featured many videos from the M5S's Milan rally three years ago. Premier Matteo Renzi also paid tribute.
    "With Dario Fo (passing), Italy loses one of the great protagonists of the theatre, culture and civil life of our country," Renzi said. "His satire, his research, his work on the stage, his multifaceted artistic activity are the legacy that remains of one of the great Italians on the world scene. "I give my personal condolences and those of the Italian government to his family".
    The Senate held a minute's silence.
   Fo "carried on and continued to work up eight, nine, 10 hours a day until the day he was taken to hospital", his son Jacopo told journalists after his father's death. "You should put him in the medical books.
Art, passion and civic commitment count," he said. As for the end, Jacopo said "it happened this morning at 8, it was grand finale and he went". Jacopo was talking outside his Milan home in an interview with Rainews 24.

Fo was singing until a few days before his death Thursday in a Milan hospital, a doctor revealed

"His collaborators told me that a few days before (his condition worsened, Fo) had been singing for hours," said Delfino Luigi Legnani, head of the pneumonoloy department of Milan's Sacco Hospital. Fo's rich baritone voice, as well as being suited to the constant linguistic flights of fancy of his invented form of the gibberish language Grammelot, was also used to sing the songs that lightened his hard-hitting satire.


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