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Anti-refugee protest continues near Ferrara

Anti-refugee protest continues near Ferrara

11 women resettled after Gorino residents erect barricades

Ferrara, 25 October 2016, 10:49

ANSA Editorial


Barricades at Gorino - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Barricades at Gorino -     ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Barricades at Gorino - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Eleven female refugees, including a pregnant woman, on Tuesday were temporarily relocated to the northern city of Ferrara and the towns of Comacchio and Fiscaglia after protesters the previous night erected barricades around the nearby town of Gorino where a hostel was originally designated to host them.
    The decision to host the women in different locations was taken by local authorities after mediation talks between the Mayor of Ferrara Tiziano Tagliani, police and the demonstrators.
    Protesters last night erected barricades in three different points of entry to Gorino, a town on the Po Delta where the hostel Amore-Natura had been designated to host the asylum seekers.
    One of the protests, on the provincial road between Goro and Gorino, is still ongoing and fishermen in the coastal town have announced they will strike and not send their children to school to oppose the refugee reception plan.


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