Italy can be "proud and satisfied" with its work to support the offensive against ISIS in Iraq, General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, the head of the Italian contingent in Kurdistan, has said. "As the commander of the men and women who have trained over 6,000 troops in Kurdistan, I can only be proud and satisfied with the work done," Ristuccia told ANSA. "The training, particularly concerning home-made explosive devices, has helped create the conditions to tackle Daesh decisively and to save many lives," continued the brigadier general amid a raging battle to free Mosul from ISIS control. The 950 Italian troops under Ristuccia's command are engaged in various activities in Iraqi Kurdistan, from training Peshmerga soldiers in locating ISIS bombs to command and control procedures.
The overall aim of the mission is to provide "the necessary operational support to defeat" ISIS, "secure the borders, restore state sovereignty and train armed forces and police so they are able to guarantee security," Ristuccia said.