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Salvini hails Trump election as 'revenge of the people'

Salvini hails Trump election as 'revenge of the people'

League leader says outcome is blow to globalization

Milan, 09 November 2016, 10:39

ANSA Editorial




Matteo Salvini, the leader of the right-wing Northern League, on Wednesday hailed Donald Trump's election as United States president as the "revenge of the people". "It's a blow to globalization," Salvini told the League's Radio Padania. "It's a win for courage, pride and labour and security issues against the banks, speculators, journalists and pollsters. The people have beaten the powers-that-be 3-0". Salvini added that his party, which, like Trump, takes hard-line stances on migration, should follow the lead of the U.S. president elect.
    "It's time to be more daring," he said, ahead of a rally in Florence on Saturday against the Constitutional reform of Premier Matteo Renzi's government. "I'll propose to the League that Florence will be the start of something, of a long march. It's a truly beautiful day against everything". Mario Borghezio, an outspoken MEP for the League, said d Trump's win was a victory for "white, Christian America".
    "Donald's victory is a clear good example for us in the League to follow," he added. "Long live white, Christian America".


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