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Security to be tightened across Italy after Berlin

Security to be tightened across Italy after Berlin

Interior Minister summons Anti-Terrorism Strategic Analysis Comm

Milan, 20 December 2016, 15:16

ANSA Editorial




Interior Minister Marco Minniti on Tuesday summoned the Anti-Terrorism Strategic Analysis Committee made up of law enforcement and intelligence experts to assess the terrorist threat in Italy after Monday's carnage in Berlin. The meeting decided to tighten security around potential targets across Italy including institutional buildings, embassies, consulates and places of worship, as well as at sites expected to attract large crowds before and during the holidays, such as malls, Christmas markets and concert halls.
    The committee meeting chaired by Minniti also ordered prefects and police chiefs to boost security around sites that regularly attract a large number of visitors, as well as at popular venues during the holidays.
    Meanwhile a number of cities have already announced measures in the wake of the Berlin lorry attack.
    Milan Prefect Alessandro Marangoni announced that 800 additional security officers will be deployed this week in areas including the shopping districts around San Babila, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele and at tourist sites including the Sforza Castle and the Duomo, where thousands are expected to attend a New Year's Eve concert on December 31.
    Bologna Prefect Ennio Mario Sodano has also already announced that security will be boosted in the city.


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