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Riace mayor probed for corruption - reports (3)

Riace mayor probed for corruption - reports (3)

Domenico Lucano well known for welcoming approach to migrants

Catanzaro, 06 October 2017, 19:23

Redazione ANSA




The mayor of the Calabrian town of Riace, Domenico Lucano, is under investigation for alleged abuse of office, corruption and aggravated fraud, the local press reported on Friday. Lucano is well known for his executive's welcoming stance towards migrants. The probe is linked to management of public money for the migrant-reception system, sources said. Fernando Antonio Capone, president of the "Città Futura-don Pino Puglisi" association, is also under investigation. On Thursday finance police seized documents from the town hall and notified Lucano of the investigation, the sources said.
    Earlier this year Lucano was awarded the prestigious Dresden Peace Prize for his work to receive and integrate hundreds of refugees into his small municipality.
    Riace, which has been dubbed the 'Village of Welcome', is a unique project of togetherness between Italians and refugees, a press release said.
    For 18 years, large numbers of migrants have been taken in and integrated by means of accommodation, employment and language courses.
    Some 550 of the current 1,800 people living in the town arrived there as refugees.


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