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We must change lifestyles due to climate change - pope

We must change lifestyles due to climate change - pope

Francis links issue to hunger during World Food Day event at FAO

Rome, 17 October 2017, 10:42

Redazione ANSA




Pope Francis said humankind has to change its ways due to the impact of global warming and linked climate change to the problem of world hunger.
    "We see the effects of climate change every day," the Argentine pontiff said as he addressed a ceremony for World Food Day (#WFD2017) at the Rome headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "We need to change our lifestyles and consumption patterns...
    "It is clear that wars and climatic change are a cause of hunger, so let's not present it as if hunger is an incurable disease.... "The fruits of the earth must be available to all," he said.
    The Argentine pontiff also said it was unfortunate that "some" countries are moving away from the Paris Agreement on climate change. The FAO has said that around 815 million people - 11% of the global population - do not have enough to eat after the first rise in global hunger in over a decade.
    The UN agency said the increase is largely due to the proliferation of violent conflicts and climate-related shocks which are also major drivers of distress migration. Francis said that the "global pact for safe, regular and orderly migration" that the United Nations is working on calls for "systematic, coordinated intergovernmental action in agreement with the existing international laws". The Argentine pontiff added that the effort should also be "saturated in love and intelligence" as he addressed a ceremony for World Food Day (#WFD2017) at the Rome headquarters of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.
    He also called for a total commitment to gradual and systematic disarmament.


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