Shots were fired against a
temporary migrant reception centre run by the Catholic Church
near Enna in Sicily on Wednesday night, sources said Thursday.
The canon house at Pietraperzia has been hosting around 20
migrants for the last four days.
No one was hurt but the shotgun pellets smashed a window,
spreading fear among the migrants and the operators.
The centre is managed by the Don Bosco 2000 association at
Piazza Armerina near Enna.
"We are dumbfounded by what happened and pained by the fear
that seized the lads, all from Bangladesh," said association
chief Agostino Sella.
In fact, the town welcomed these boys, who are just adults,
"But in line with the rows sweeping Italy, there have been
fringes of dissent. But we certainly didn't think it would get
so far".
Anti-migrant sentiment has been rising in Italy lately, polls